25th June 2021

25th June 2021

Hello Everyone How is everyone doing?  I am feeling very tired, a few nights of broken sleep and it is very difficult to catch up and I am exhausted. I suspect this is a common issue for carers due to many things such as attending to the person you care for, snoring...
23rd June 2021

23rd June 2021

Hello Everyone How is everyone doing? As I write this the sun is out, the rain has stopped, and it looks like it is going to be a great day. Do you ever wake up and feel in a good mood and glad to be alive?  That is me today, I knew I was coming into the centre to...
21st June 2021

21st June 2021

Hello Everyone So how is everyone today?  Did you have a good weekend, did you stay in and watch movies as prescribed or was all go like so many carers’ days?  For me it was my Dad’s 81st birthday on Saturday and of course it was Father’s Day yesterday.  For you who’s...
18th June 2021

18th June 2021

Hello Everyone Well the weather has had a massive change from the other day, we have gone from boiling hot, dry days to thunder, lightning, torrential rain, and this morning I returned home with a soggy, muddy dog. As I write today’s blog it is chucking it down like I...
16th June 2021

16th June 2021

Hello Everyone How is everyone doing?  Are you watching the football?  I say this as it is topical, not because I am a fan or supporter.  I can see that it is a welcome relief after the year we have had.  Good luck to country you support and here’s to a smooth and...