How we can help you

We are here for adult carers (16+) who support an adult (16+) who lives in Tower Hamlets.

Looking after a partner, friend or family member due to old age, illness, disability, mental health difficulties or an addiction can be very rewarding. However, without the right support in place it can take a toll on our physical and mental wellbeing.

We are dedicated to providing quality services and help people stay happy and healthy in their caring role.

Illustration of two elderly ladies, one walking with a stick
Step free disabled access to the office and meeting rooms is via the front door. There are disabled access toilets. Our team includes staff who speak languages that reflect the local community. CCTH has access to translation services where required.

1. Do you look after or provide care for someone? (Usually a family member, friend or neighbour)

2. Are you paid to provide this care? (Carer’s Allowance does not count as paid)

3. How old are you?