Hello Everyone – I just thought I would let you know …

I wanted to tell you all before I return to work that my Dad passed away a week ago.  As you know he was ill and he never really recovered from his stroke, Covid 19 diagnosis which became Pneumonia which unfortunately he could not fight anymore. He did not suffer for long and thankfully it was swift and dignified passing.

My Dad was an amazing man, he got me into the cubs and scouts which we both loved, he was very knowledgeable about nature, animals, flora and fauna and this is why I love my country life, and he would read to me and my brother every night and he taught me to read and become and avid reader, he was an historian and had a great sense of humour, I believe this is where I get it from.

My Sister has been incredible and I do not know what I would have done without her, I continue to learn, love and admire her.

I want to thank my friends both outside the centre and within, you have all been so kind, thoughtful and my colleagues are the best in the world.

I do want to highlight one thing, we must learn as carers to be proactive with our loved ones as Dad has not done a will, funeral provision or anything.  I will be adding the ‘Life After Caring’ workshops regularly now so that carers can learn to put things into place before loved ones pass on.  As, believe me having a structure and guidance reduces anxiety, helps with your emotional wellbeing and just helps you manage a very difficult situation/s.

So, Thanks everyone and see you at the centre and I wanted to write this separate entry so that I can write my blogs for the carers about things you need and don’t forget to take care of yourselves, your loved ones and be well. 

Photo: Me and my Dad 











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The Carers Centre
21 Brayford Square
London, E1 0SG

020 7790 1765


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Monday - Friday – 9.30am – 5pm
Saturday and Sunday – Closed

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