What is a Carer’s Assessment?
The Carers Centre Tower Hamlets can undertake a Carers Assessment with you. We do this on behalf of Tower Hamlets Adult Social Care.
A carer’s assessment will look at your existing support network, for example, family or friends. It considers the things that you want or need to achieve outside of your caring role and the impact this has on your ability to carry out those activities and how this affects your wellbeing. The Carer’s Assessment records what you say about your caring role and what support or services you need. For instance, it covers the way caring affects your life, and your wellbeing, health, choices, feelings, work, goals, relationships, social life and planning for emergencies.
Its purpose is to help you to continue to care if you want to – so it benefits you and the person you care for. If you feel you’re unable to continue in your caring role, we can look at what options might be available for you or the person you care for.
How will completing a carer’s assessment help me?
You’ll be offered information and advice, signposting and support. You may be eligible for practical support and/or a direct payment to support you to meet your care and support needs related to your caring role.
How will a carer’s assessment help the person I care for?
Your carer’s assessment may prompt the person you care for to have an Adult Social Care assessment or a review of their care and support needs to ensure that they are getting appropriate support for themselves. This may alleviate pressure on you.
It is important to remember that if you don’t look after yourself, you may not be able to provide support for the person you care for. Your carer’s assessment may help to address some of the difficulties you are facing.
How do I apply for a carer’s assessment?
Call us on 020 7790 1765 or email enquiries@ccth.org.uk in order to request an appointment for an assessment. You will need to join us first if you are not already registered.
What should I expect when completing a Carers Assessment?
We have created some guidance – preparing for a Carers Assessment. You can access that here.
What happens after I have completed the assessment?
Once your assessment is complete it is submitted to Adult Social Care who will determine your eligibility and put any support in place.
An Adult Social Care worker may contact you if they need to ask a few more questions.
You’ll be informed of the outcome of your assessment as soon as possible – Adult Social Care are experiencing a high volume of requests, so this may take several weeks.
What if things change in the future?
If your caring role changes or is about to change, and the impact on your day to day life has increased, you can contact us and we may complete a new carers assessment.
Other information about the Carers Assessment
Read Tower Hamlets adult social care guidelines for the Carer’s Assessment (PDF 500KB)
Introduction to Carer’s Assessment (Carers UK)