Keep Learning

We never stop learning throughout our lives and being a carer is an ongoing learning experience.

Learning new skills can improve your emotional wellbeing, can boost self-confidence, raise self-esteem, build a sense of purpose and help you to connect with others.

We want to help you learn to enhance your caring role through our condition specific workshops on Diabetes, Cancer and Dementia and more.

Why not learn a hobby such as photography, arts and crafts or learn with our weekly shared reading sessions.

We have partnered with the Open University where you have access to hundreds of free course that can inform your caring role, propel you on a more academic route or just learn something new because learning is enjoyable.

Do you need to learn English if this is not your first language so that you are able to better communicate with care staff supporting you, your loved ones and family?

You might want to learn because you want a change in career, or you are thinking of returning back to the workplace. Why not book an appointment and get a personalised learning journey plan with the Wellbeing Academy that suits your learning objectives?