Carer Action Blog

We aim to provide a weekly blog and it is filled with stories of caring by the author, local information for carers in and around Tower Hamlets, arts and events that are free and personal safety, health related tips for carers to maintain good well-being.

Click on our latest version to find out more ….

Hello Everyone – End of Life and the impact….

October 18th, 2024

Sorry I did not send out a blog on Friday but I wasn’t emotionally ready to talk about my Mum’s  end of life diagnosis.   Some of you are aware that I have been off for a week due to this impactful development and to be honest when my Mum was diagnosed with end stage heart […]

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Hello Everyone – I had to feed my Mum for the first time this week…

September 13th, 2024

Last Saturday when I went to visit Mum like I do most Saturday’s I had to feed my Mum, she could not physically do it but most of all she could not do it cognitively. I fed her of course, I chopped up the chicken, vegetables and thankfully it came with mashed potatoes and gravy.  […]

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Hello Everyone – Caring is exhausting …

September 6th, 2024

I wanted to talk about how tired I am currently and how constant anxiety about Mum’s decline is a contributing factor. Like many of you I juggle my working life, caring role and try and fit in some me time. The issue I have right now is that my me time has become virtually none […]

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Hello Everyone – For this first time my Mum didn’t call me ..

August 23rd, 2024

As I mentioned in my last post it was Mums and my birthdays coming up and now they have taken place. For, the first time in my life my Mum did not call me and wish me a happy birthday and I know it should not have affected me but it did.  This was not […]

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Hello Everyone – I have started to get anxious…

August 12th, 2024

I have started to get anxious on Saturday mornings when I am getting ready to visit Mum.  This is a new thing for me as I have always so far, been excited and looked forward to seeing Mum. As I mentioned last time Mum’s Dementia is progressing and her memory, stress and her emotional wellbeing […]

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Hello Everyone – Can you ever have enough breaks?

August 2nd, 2024

I have just returned from a week’s break and boy did I need it.  My little family took a trip up north and stayed with our best friends one, is the best cook ever and of course I am ruled by my stomach and the great food gave me solace. We also visited my in-laws […]

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