Customer Charter

Enabling Carers to have fulfilling lives

Clarity of Purpose

We have clearly stated aims and objectives and are able to demonstrate how we meet the principles contained in this Charter.


We involve carers, volunteers, staff, and other stakeholders in all aspects of the organisation; listening to and incorporating their views

Professionalism and Quality

We maintain high personal and professional standards to deliver a quality service. CCTH will ensure that the wishes and interests of the people they support directs our work. Staff should be non-judgmental and respectful of peoples’ needs, views and experiences.


CCTH will support self-advocacy and empowerment through its work. People who use CCTH should have a say in the level of involvement and style of advocacy and support they want. CCTH will ensure that people who want to, can influence and be involved in the running and management of CCTH.

Equality and diversity We value and respect people from all communities, ensuring services and support are accessible to all carers within Tower Hamlets. CCTH will have a written equal opportunities policy that recognises the need to be proactive in tackling all forms of inequality, discrimination and social exclusion.

Accessibility Advocacy is provided free of charge to eligible people. CCTH will aim to ensure that its premises, policies, procedures and publicity materials promote access for the whole community.

Resourcefulness and innovation

We make best use of all available resources including funding, staff, volunteers, and those organisations we partner with; monitoring internal and external developments to provide innovative and forward-thinking services.


We have a written policy on confidentiality, stating that information known about a person using CCTH is confidential to CCTH and outlining any circumstances under which confidentiality might be breached.


We have a written policy describing how to make complaints or give feedback about the service or about individual staff members.